I, Niedjyuu.

블로그 이미지
by Niedjyuu
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If there is 28hours in a day, it could be nice. However, it is dream. I know. Since I was born in the planet of Earth, there is 24hours. Although I took a break all day long, the time doesn't come back.
 Even though you could say you're megalomaniac, but 4 additional hours to me is really required. While I take lessons and get back home, I do need rest but it isn't easy. Except news reading and English-English dictionary searches, there is no computer network usages. Whether I could be isn't came up, while I just dreaming some more freetime. Still, I didn't given up to do this course even if no trial has been generated.

Right now, I don't matter for what am I doing. But future's bright made me careless for whom I liked, talked and shared happiness. If I could take break all night long, are they make more better? I'm not sure in that our community member's different freetime and their emotions.

Beer and friends are required after end of a day training. Right now, I think.

쓰고나니 뭔말하고 싶었던걸까..나(...)


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