I, Niedjyuu.

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by Niedjyuu
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'ODI Series'에 해당되는 글 2건

  1. 2012.01.09
    How To Win T20 League - From Views of NRR
  2. 2008.09.05
    인도-스리랑카 크리켓 IDEA컵 ODI-2차전 게임FAW(Fall Of Wickets하이라이트)

T20 is Fun and exciting.
And it is Blood-droughting, for Same pointed teams.

You can see now those on KFC Big Bash T20,
Interesting to find you can see 4 Team are on 4 pts, and fighting for 1 seat of Finals.

They all boarded by NRR.

How you can see interesting is this NRR can do,
and what are being interesting, I will tell these.


First thing first, this is very interesting.

Net Run Rate is not zero-sum game.
these happens because of Runs per over are calculated.

there are trick of these run rate effectable;

- Run Rate Never think about Wickets.
- Boarding High Total in 1st inning, or Finishing within Short time Does effects.
- So Generally, "Win By ** Runs" shows Approx. Run rate plus in rough.
- There is NO USE OF "Win By * Wickets" Because NO WICKET IS Important!

Last Line has point. You see?

WE NEED "Win by ** Balls" or "Win by **.*Overs"

(I bet, that "balls" are making things more clearer, we will not divide numbers by "overs")

This Makes one conclusion,

You Buy BATMEN First rather than Allrounder/Bowlers.

- Net Run Rate (NRR)Basics

Most Interesting Question in T20 World, I suppose?
is dealt in Here.

Alright. All of cricket fan now have senses of "How NRR Calcualted"

Net run-rate is calculated by deducting from-
the average runs per over scored by that a team throughout the competition,
the average runs per over scored against that team throughout the competition.

* note that These datas are For EXAMPLES Only, No Historical/Realistic Relations Here.

In short, this will be look like these mathmatical logic.

NRR = [(Runs Gained/Spent Ovrs for batting) * 6]  - [(Runs Against/Spent Ovrs for bowling) * 6]

* Note = 6 are Multiplied as run rate shows by Overs,
  but for accurative calculation, ball*6 shows exact inning data.

As you see, This team has 1 win and 3 lost, so run rate goes below.

Interesting is, this team takes wicket well, than average of T20,
But no reward or advantage for wicket is there.

Tactics for Bat First Team

Most Interesting Question in T20 World, I suppose?
is dealt in Here.

There are Many Theories, Based on your situations.

- Be Suicider, Not Duck in

Take a look for below sheet, for The Bat first team.

Suppose our target gaining score in 1st inning is 150,
and All out in 18th over and 20th over.

Let us see the table.

Suppose 4 match results are all same, 
And let us setting 150 All out in 18th Over, 
Then Run rate is Like this.


And this time, let us setting 150 All out in 20th Over,
Then Run rate is Like this.


When you GAINED SAME SCORE in shorter inning, 

Then You got two choice.

SIX OR Nuthin' Baby.

-   Suicider v Tailender

Then Main question;
Do tailender has to go for six, or looks for single and build more high total?

LET US NOT THINK WHAT TOTAL IS BEST, at least in this article.
But from 18 to 20th inning, let us try to guess.

Maybe Tailenders Cannot gain 1Run per ball, so let us set strike rate of 80(4 run/5ball, 4.8/6).
In this rate, ESTIMATED RUN RATE PER SITUATION from ABOVE Sheet Changes like this.


- Chasing Team Tactics

Why not batmen are unsure when they fell,
but Chasing in 2nd half team are always under pressure.

Chasing Team are following Generally Run Rate those 1st inning's run rate. 

We got something here;
Chasing Earlier fast as much as can, will grow run rate.

But here we found one interesting result;

There are 10% or less of Chances of teams win & finishing match before 17th Overs,
those The Team Played 2nd inning, which beat by wickets,

This means In same run target, 
then Run rate gaining has to be made by finish early,
But Pressure are Real strong and not easy. 

So Generally you have to give up to gaining good run rate,
in relying on only of 2nd inning Chasing.

Has to be conversion of Giving small runs to opposition in first half,
and chasing it in shorter inning in general run rate will be better.

- Short Recap - "BAT" To win, To Entertain

Firstly, This Article wasn't intended to view cricket from view of bat, 
But All the results are making proof for Batmen. 
All the batman has to get higher score, not play small game.

Of course bowlers important, no doubt.
their job is to restrict, than taking wicket.

But there are firstly considerable before this.
It is winning the match.

Do win, Do earn score much, 
It is for you and for fans coming in stadium.


This Article Welcomes your replies and Comments
As this article wrote by South Korean
And ideas sharing welcomes.

이번 여름에 크리켓 국제 A매치가 열렸습니다.
스리랑카와 인도 팀이 스리랑카에서 ODI(One day Intl.하루 국제경기)대회를 가졌는데요
대회를 총 정리해드리면 5번의 대회에서 인도팀이 스리랑카 팀을 4-1로 제압했습니다
각 대회의 하이라이트를 이제부터 대회당 하나씩 정리를 해 드리도록 하겠습니다.

먼저, 원래대로라면 순서대로 해야겠지만
뜬금없이 2차전부터 시작하도록 하겠습니다.

142 all out (38.3 overs)
143 / 7 (39.4 overs)

이 되어서 인도팀이 스리랑카팀을 3위켓차이로 승리를 따냈습니다.

경기는 역시 초반에 스리랑카팀이 선발타자부터 4번타자까지 빨리 아웃당해서
뒤의 순번타자들한테 부담이 컸지요.
각 타자가 언제 아웃당했나를 보여주는 FOW득점카드를 보면
4명이 저 득점에 아웃당했다는 사실이 가장 중요하지요.
BBC가 제공하는 정식 스코어카드는 밑의 링크를 참조해주시고요


크리켓은 홈런하나하나로 승부가 갈리기는 쉽지 않고 타자가 언제 죽냐가 중요해서
아웃장면을 보여주는 경우가 많습니다.
이제부터 FOW 하이라이트로 타자의 아웃장면을 보여드리겠습니다.

스리랑카팀 선공

인도팀 후공



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