'Cosmograph'에 해당되는 글 9건
- 2025.01.28
- 2025.01.22
- 2025.01.01
- 2024.12.21
- 2024.11.27
- 2024.09.21
- 2024.07.07
- 2024.07.04
- 2023.11.05
아스트라 야오 낙원유람기 일본어 버전(Rearrange ver.) (0) | 2025.02.09 |
트릭컬 리바이브 행복해져라(김가령 성우님) (0) | 2025.01.30 |
니케)얜 또 누구야 (0) | 2025.01.17 |
메어리 "눈 왜그렇게 떠?" (0) | 2025.01.02 |
레벨나인 숏버전
코스모그래프 유투브판
10분 트랙
Drug and you're my remedy
You're the drug and you're my remedy
You're the drug and you're my remedy
You're the remedy. (woah-oh)
You're the remedy
(Drug and you're) Jump up, jump up, uh, everyone know we're stars
(Drug and you're) Drug, jump up, uh, everyone know this
(Drug and you're) Jump up, jump up, uh, everyone know this song
You're the remedy, you're the remedy
Jump up, jump up, uh
Everyone know we're stars, we're the boss
Jump up, jump up, uh
Everyone know this
Jump up, jump up, uh
Yeah, I'll make it shake, uh uh
Make it work, make it work
Make it shake, ah ah
I love that then, I love that
Everyone know we're stars, we're the boss
Jump up, jump up, uh
Everyone know this
Jump up, jump up, uh
Yeah, I'll make it shake, uh uh
Make it work, make it work
Make it shake, ah ah
I love that then, I love that
I love that
Rising Higher
Producer - Cosmograph
Composer - NieN
Vocal - CielA (@CielAbutton )
Bass - euPhemia (@euPhemiaBass )
Lyrics - N.U.
Mastering - Park Moonsoo / U-IL Soundworks
메어리 "눈 왜그렇게 떠?" (0) | 2025.01.02 |
니케 Footstep Walk Run (+기존 nien씨와 yurisa님 영상까지) (0) | 2025.01.01 |
DJMAX - COSMOGRAPH - RED EYES (0) | 2024.12.21 |
ICE DRAGON SAGA - NIKKE (0) | 2024.12.11 |
내가 코스모그래프에서 왜 못헤어나오나
하다가 찾은 영상
디제이맥스때부터도 곡작업 하셨구나 ㄷ
갑자기 옛날에 비트매니아부터
쥬비트에 태고의달인에
오락실에 리듬게임 하러 다니던때
갑자기 추억소환됐다
안양1번가에 오락실 컸는데
본인이 만든거 본인이 하시는 영상 ㄷ
니케 Footstep Walk Run (+기존 nien씨와 yurisa님 영상까지) (0) | 2025.01.01 |
Nikke CielA - Rising Higher (0) | 2025.01.01 |
ICE DRAGON SAGA - NIKKE (0) | 2024.12.11 |
니케 겨울이벤트 ICE DRAGON SAGA 라이브 월페이퍼 (0) | 2024.12.10 |
마참내 27장 뚫고
이 브금을 틀수있게되었습니다(?)
Ps : 티스토리는 앞으로
오블완 같은거 하지말자
그냥 글 쓰고싶을때 쓰게
Composer - Cosmograph
Guitar - NieN
Lyrics - N.U.
These roads will take me back home
To the blazing crimson sky
The smell of fresh bread from the bakery
All of my friends gathered up
A gust of wind blows
Please tell my friends
My soul will return
To the sky above our hometown
White clouds float across
Please tell my friends
My bones will be buried
In the earth under our hometown
Leave the gates wipe open I’ll be there
Swing your chair darlin you’ll know when I’ll be there
On the rock brave eagles flying ahead
Tilt your hats off friends I'll see you again
High above Is the grey sky
High above is the grey grey sky
These roads will take me back home
Sticks and stones won’t bury my bones
ICE DRAGON SAGA - NIKKE (0) | 2024.12.11 |
니케 겨울이벤트 ICE DRAGON SAGA 라이브 월페이퍼 (0) | 2024.12.10 |
마이 썸머카 오프닝 - Porilaisten Marssi (0) | 2019.09.21 |
디스 워 오브 마인 - The Little Ones 선행스크린샷 공개 (0) | 2016.01.02 |
Gift to Fans costume
" Red hood : Nonsense Red"
More Tailered Gift
"Nonsense Red : Costumes"
Composer - Cosmograph
Vocal - REX a.k.a. CYRRCA
Guiar - NieN
Bass - seibin
Lyrics - N.U.
Mastering - Park Moonsoo
U-IL Soundworks
Into Extremely Lovely and cozy
from exciting and high party mode
Oh, when the day comes to the end
Today will be the first day of breathing together
Every night we walk out to the dark
nothing will keep us apart
In the pictures we take tonight will appear
All the stars twinkling clear
moonlight shines bright
that’s our spotlight
come in to my arms
don’t forget this night
Oh, Every picture we take lives inside
Every picture i’ll be by your side
Let all the pictures tell us who we are
in the night
i see you walking to me slow, and steady
your eyes and smile i never want to forget them
stand still with the stars in the night
because you’re the brightest light
In the pictures we take tonight will appear
All the stars twinkling clear
moonlight shines bright
that’s our spotlight
come in to my arms
don’t forget this night
Oh, Every picture we take lives inside
Every picture i’ll be by your side
Let all the pictures tell us
oh~ oh~
Let all the pictures tell us who we are
And every sight of you i caught with my own eyes
reminds me when i’m with you time always flies
1. 일단 이벤트에 미니게임 뱀서모드 중독됨
플탐이 10~15분이라 뱀서류 특성상
조합. 콜라보는 커녕 50렙은 어려울지 모르지만
하여간 렉없고 쾌적한 뱀서라 재밌음.
2. 하여간 무과금 1주년행사라고
무료가챠 돌리는데
하루 간격으로
홍련. 다음날 디젤. 다음날 레드후드나옴.
3. 사람들이 잘 모르는듯한데
니케 전초기지 배경 오피셜은 유투브에 이미있음.
코스모그래프 주종현님 유툽에 이미 공식임.
제목 Artificial Shangri-la