I, Niedjyuu.

블로그 이미지
by Niedjyuu
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First of all I'd say
stay strong and hope you get back up well from this fire crisis.


I was extremely shocked reading comments was
Some thinks it is their own fault
to live that fire risky area.

Then I will ask them back,
Are we no need to take care or shut our eye or whatever hell
to those someone who lost home, at extreme floods, hurricanes?

few years before when Canadian rocky and BC forest on fire
They didn't spoke out own' fault first
But how fire risk risen, safety of people first, how much it will take time the forest get back its nature.

Absolutely not i was expected reactions from comments.

I am not usa citizen nor living in usa
So my view or culture, habits,
or understanding insurance could be different.
But I am worrying about
"the mind 'not my business '"

Usa Rebuilt WTC and keep it going.
Will rebuild Baltimore's Key Bridge.
We helped each other from covid19.

But i fear are they about to help next, in future crisis might happen

If any korean in usa
Agrees me at
you got any doubt for
"I am sure MY Paying taxes are to help those crisis, not governors' pocket"

It is better to return and not stay usa longer, to help that SICK SOCIETY



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