I, Niedjyuu.

블로그 이미지
by Niedjyuu
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'our hometown'에 해당되는 글 1건

  1. 2024.11.27
    니케 26장 삽입곡-Redash - Our Hometown

마참내 27장 뚫고
이 브금을 틀수있게되었습니다(?)

Ps : 티스토리는 앞으로
오블완 같은거 하지말자
그냥 글 쓰고싶을때 쓰게


Composer - Cosmograph
Vocal - REX ‪@CYRRCA‬
Guitar - NieN
Lyrics - N.U.


These roads will take me back home
To the blazing crimson sky

The smell of fresh bread from the bakery
All of my friends gathered up

A gust of wind blows
Please tell my friends
My soul will return
To the sky above our hometown

White clouds float across
Please tell my friends
My bones will be buried
In the earth under our hometown

Leave the gates wipe open I’ll be there
Swing your chair darlin you’ll know when I’ll be there

On the rock brave eagles flying ahead
Tilt your hats off friends I'll see you again

High above Is the grey sky
High above is the grey grey sky
These roads will take me back home
Sticks and stones won’t bury my bones



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