I, Niedjyuu.

블로그 이미지
by Niedjyuu
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'주종현'에 해당되는 글 2건

  1. 2025.01.22
    니케 캐시샵 2025년 Jump Up
  2. 2023.11.05
    니케 1주년이라 갑자기 글을씀

레벨나인 숏버전


코스모그래프 유투브판
10분 트랙


Drug and you're my remedy
You're the drug and you're my remedy
You're the drug and you're my remedy
You're the remedy. (woah-oh)
You're the remedy

(Drug and you're) Jump up, jump up, uh, everyone know we're stars
(Drug and you're) Drug, jump up, uh, everyone know this
(Drug and you're) Jump up, jump up, uh, everyone know this song
You're the remedy, you're the remedy
Jump up, jump up, uh

Everyone know we're stars, we're the boss
Jump up, jump up, uh
Everyone know this
Jump up, jump up, uh
Yeah, I'll make it shake, uh uh
Make it work, make it work
Make it shake, ah ah
I love that then, I love that

Everyone know we're stars, we're the boss
Jump up, jump up, uh
Everyone know this
Jump up, jump up, uh
Yeah, I'll make it shake, uh uh
Make it work, make it work
Make it shake, ah ah
I love that then, I love that

I love that


1. 일단 이벤트에 미니게임 뱀서모드 중독됨
플탐이 10~15분이라 뱀서류 특성상
조합. 콜라보는 커녕 50렙은 어려울지 모르지만
하여간 렉없고 쾌적한 뱀서라 재밌음.

2. 하여간 무과금 1주년행사라고
무료가챠 돌리는데
하루 간격으로
홍련. 다음날 디젤. 다음날 레드후드나옴.

갑자기 개축계정됐음 ㅋㅋㅋ

3. 사람들이 잘 모르는듯한데
니케 전초기지 배경 오피셜은 유투브에 이미있음.
코스모그래프 주종현님 유툽에 이미 공식임.

제목 Artificial Shangri-la




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