자꾸 사이코패스가 사회에 여러 이야기가 나오는덕에
사이코패스 문항에 관해 제 관심을 불러일으키더군요.
그래서 언제나처럼 외국링크를 통해 사이코패스 검정시험을 하나 쳐봤습니다.
시험을 치를 수 있는 링크는 밑에.
그래서 결과가 나왔군요.
그 결과는...
Your result for The Are You a Psychopath? Test ...
The Social Retard
You scored 41% empathic, 48% delusional, 65% sociable, and 57% law-abiding!
You're mildly insane, but kept in line by your desire to fit in with others and respect for the law. You don't connect with others emotionally and lack the wildness of someone who disregards the law, and so you're left in a somewhat awkward place. Probably most of your emotional problems stem from your psychological problems and if you received therapy and medication you'd be just fine. You're definitely not a psychopath.
Compared to other takers
- You scored 41% on empathic, higher than 36% of your peers.
- You scored 48% on delusional, higher than 79% of your peers.
- You scored 65% on sociable, higher than 75% of your peers.
- You scored 57% on law-abiding, higher than 79% of your peers.
일단 사이코패스가 아닌 것으로 나왔군요.
retard가 나온건 좀 그렇지만...뭐...괜찮습니다.
심심하시면 한번 해보세요.(응?)