I, Niedjyuu.

블로그 이미지
by Niedjyuu
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'RVD'에 해당되는 글 1건

  1. 2024.11.29
    Limp Bizkit - Rollin'(WWE)


Last Artist to perform
on top of World Trade Centre Atop
before 9/11
and our historic WWE moment
with stone cold, rvd, eddie guerrero

to those you worry about
"if your son/daughter/grand son
try to listen to Slang song, 'F' song

in my experience
they anyway will experience and forget as time passes by.
But as we grow up We filter and abstinent, tolerance, adopt.
you know, there are some still fails,
but as they adopt to society
automatically they learn
what and when to listen and speak

as much as your age did,
me and my generation did
and they as well.



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